Note: 60 years of collecting! This is a partial list of items. More items may be added as the sale approaches.
Furniture: Oak cabinet, Oak table with four leaves, Samsung TV, Waterfall bedroom set, etagere, display cases, small side tables, vintage wood Telephone booth doors, bookshelves, chest freezer, couch, needle point chairs, office chair, a lot of small dressers, trunks file cabinets, and more…
Glass, Pottery & China: Signed and unsigned paperweights, crystal, Churchill Blue Willow new in box, Waterford stemware, Waterford ship, Waterford paperweights, hand painted china, pressed glass, Murano glass, Crystal decanter, Belleek, Ruby red souvenir glasses, ruby flashed glass, coin dot compote, brilliant cut crystal, cloisonné vases, decanter stoppers, nuns and angel figurines, and more…
Other: Silver-plate, Olympia, Heidelberg, Heineken, Tuborg and other beer signs and lights, fishing poles, fishing items, mens clothing, hunting and pocket knives, duck decoys, Pocket watches, Elgin pocket watches, Seth Thomas mantle clock, Anniversary clocks, Triner peerless allsteel scale, Binoculars, Yale lock with key, buttons, Case knife, Diana Air rifle, costume jewelry, pin back buttons, foreign coins, Regulator clock, Jupiter 31 day clock, books, collector books, decorator art, velvet pictures, poker playing dogs, Samsung flat screen, Springfield Thermometer, ship model, prints, mirrors, Dirt devil, Vintage logging photo, flannel shirts, Filson tin cloth jacket and pants, Kopp glass lens, Mickey Mouse watch, meerschaum pipe, Art Nouveau purse, Mason calendar watch, Pyrex, food saver, radio’s, office supplies, canning jars and canning supplies, Cabbage patch dolls, collection of dolls, some vintage dolls, Asian dolls in cases, games, puzzles, shoes, vintage toys, vintage trunk, Burl wood, Schwinn mountain bike, Evinrude outboard, oil cans, lamps, floor lamps, beer items, barometer, book ends, huge Avon collection, Medical supplies, Kitchen Aid mixer, art, vintage rugs, Remington prints, mirrors, fan, T.V. trays, Holiday items, kitchen items, pots and pans, yarn and more…
Tools: Tool chest, tool box, small hand tools, down rigger, boat motors, saws, small power tools, Craftsman tools, Craftsman weed trimmer, axes, small wood rounds, yard tools, storage shel, camping lanterns, f and more….
The garage is a diggers delight!!!!!